Ohio: The
11.5 million residents of Ohio are showing good momentum in leading the nation
from recession to recovery. Layoffs have declined to pre-recession levels, and
respectable job gains are making progress toward recovering 8 percent job
losses. Unemployment rates fell from 10.6 percent January 2010 to 7.9 percent
December 2011.
With Lake Erie on the north and the Ohio River on the south, the state has served
as a business center for trade corridors connecting the country's Northeast to the
Midwest. The state's manufacturing base is the nation's third largest. Its industry
is chiefly based on plastics and rubber products, fabricated metals, electrical
equipment and appliances.
Employment sectors showing strong year-to-year performances are manufacturing;
trade, transportation and utilities; and information. Good turnaround recovery
figures are shown in the construction and education and health services sectors.
Financial activities, government and mining and logging sectors are showing lower
rates of decline.
Major employers with headquarters in the state include Goodyear Tire & Rubber,
Abercrombie & Fitch, Proctor & Gamble and Wendy's. Top employers include
Wal-Mart Stores, Cleveland Clinic Health Systems, Ohio State University, Kroger and
Catholic Healthcare Partners. Overall, the state is regaining status as an
attractive location for businesses and job seekers.
Additional information can be found regarding Ohio's economy and
key employers by visiting Wikipedia: Ohio Economy.